Lizzy who is the founder of REFINED was raised in Los Angeles County but now resides in Orange County. She is known as WhatWouldLizzyDo and has been online for 10+ years. She started YouTube because she finally discovered other people who had a strong love for beauty as much as her. As the years have passed she has received the opportunity to collaborate with top brands in Sephora and Ulta and has tried every high end brand there is. Her love for finding affordable products that performed like luxury brands became her main goal.  

     Throughout the years she has always admired jewelry but just never wanted to invest in high end pieces. Attending brand events, trips, and posting her content she wanted jewelry pieces to compliment her outfits. But the only issue with poor quality jewelry is that they would always cause discoloration and flare her eczema. After educating herself about the different materials used for jewelry, she was so excited to dive into this new industry for herself and provide quality pieces that were the next best thing to solid gold- but at a fraction of the price!

     Lizzy's goal for REFINED is to make sure that her brand is for ALL and that no one will be left out. Her constant brainstorming, asking her audience, and passion will only evolve & improve the brand to its best potential. Her love for providing affordable products and knowledge now continues into the demi-fine jewelry world! Lizzy thanks all of you for your support and that great things are to come in the future for REFINED.